

Why Om Anna?

As I learn more and more about this world around us and the interconnected-ness of physical and spiritual on a microscopic and cosmic scale, this name resonates with me on deeper and deeper levels. Om is the eternal sound that expands individual consciousness to universal consciousness. My intention is to expand my own consciousness, your consciousness, and collective consciousness through my coaching.

What Living in Florence Taught Me

What Living in Florence Taught Me

When I first set off to Florence for my master’s abroad program, I was completely unaware of just how much it would change my life. I learned a lot about EU institutions, NGO, and the trans-Atlantic relationship between the US and Europe…snooze! No, I really do love all these things and my program allowed me to gain hands-on experience in policy and have face-to-face meetings with high-level officials. I am so grateful for that part of my experience.

But I learned even more outside of the classroom, on the streets of Florence.

I think everyone can agree - there is something magical about this chaotic, cozy city. Few people would say they visited and didn’t feel like they were immediately at home. Florence is a walking museum; filled with history of achievers, doers, and artists. It’s no wonder that the energy of its past continues to permeate the city walls. Had I never moved to Florence, I would have never learned how to hone my creativity and get out of my own way.

I met musicians who put themselves out there - busking on the streets or playing in bars. I met a chef who moved across the world to become an executive chef at a world-famous restaurant. I met entrepreneurs, photographers, fashion designers, creative directors, and artists who painted and sketched in the street. I even met Sophie, my life coach, who helps women make the big leap to pursue their big bold dreams. And most importantly, I met my partner who inspires me everyday to keep moving forward with passion and patience.

One thing they all collectively taught me is that creativity comes from my inner voice and to access that inner voice, I needed to peel back a lot of layers and build up my courage to put out into the world what I had inside of me. Each of them, with their nonchalance, strolling into a bar and starting a show, or having intense clarity and focus in developing their business, showed me that you can be extremely nervous on the inside while being calm, cool, collected on the outside. Florence was the first time I saw big, ambitious plans drawn out and executed from beginning to end. Both in my own life with my policy brief on the migration crisis and with all the people I met along the way who worked tirelessly toward their dreams.

There comes a time in all of our lives when me must take all that we’ve learned and start giving back to the world and teaching others. By helping others expand, we expand ourselves. By teaching others, we become students ourselves. By putting more love, energy, and creativity into life, we get out a thousand-fold of what we put in.

I will carry Florence with me in my heart wherever I go. She took me in, she broke me down, she built me back up, and she showed me my worth. I simultaneously love my new city and long to be back home where the streets are packed and the sun sets over the Tuscan hills.

The Power of Storytelling

The Power of Storytelling

Love is my Religion

Love is my Religion