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Life happens whether we fully participate in it or not. Creating the life we want is not always easy; it changes us, tears us down and builds us back up, and leaves us wondering who we were before we started to start making things happen rather than just letting things happen to us. I wanted to create a space to share everything that makes me buzzing with excitement - from books and tea to cooking and travel. In other words, things that make me feel like I am living out loud.

Hello! My name is Anna and I grew up in a small town in Northern Virginia. Over the past 5 years, I have lived abroad in Italy and Switzerland and my world has opened up immensely. The experiences that I’ve had have changed my mindset, my sense of self, my general outlook on life, and the way I deal with my ego. From years of journaling on long train rides up and down the Italian boot, I have found that writing is the only way that I can fully articulate and organize my thoughts and feelings so that I can make sense of where I am in life and where I want to go. Through this blog, I’ll take you with me wherever I’m going next; writing and publishing my first book, adjusting to life in Switzerland, deepening a mediation practice, working towards a Yoga Teaching Certificate, and my journey to becoming a life coach.

It’s easy to feel that there is an endless amount of time in life…but we must always remember that there is an infinite number of things to discover along the way. By asking ourselves, “Did I use the time I was given today to its fullest potential”, we start living in a way that allows us to reach OUR fullest potential.