

Why Om Anna?

As I learn more and more about this world around us and the interconnected-ness of physical and spiritual on a microscopic and cosmic scale, this name resonates with me on deeper and deeper levels. Om is the eternal sound that expands individual consciousness to universal consciousness. My intention is to expand my own consciousness, your consciousness, and collective consciousness through my coaching.



Anyone who has been to a yoga class has felt silly the first few times they open their mouth and let out a big OOOMMMMmmm. There’s something weird about it at first but when you feel the collective sound created by the dozens of other sweaty yogis around you, you feel like a part of something much bigger than yourself.

For years, I thought of this opening and closing of class to be a nice way to get centered and to connect to the intention I set in every class. But I never truly thought about what it all meant . It’s something we all do in life; do things without thinking why. It was not until after I started this blog that I began to wonder what the true significance of Om really was. When I found out, I realized how perfect it fit in with my intention to expand through this blog.

It is said that Om is the sound of the universe, reminding us that we have the ability to move past our physical and mental states of consciousness and connect with the divine. As Rumi would put it, to realize that “you are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in one drop”.

Travel Quote: Dalai Lama

Travel Quote: Dalai Lama

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