

Why Om Anna?

As I learn more and more about this world around us and the interconnected-ness of physical and spiritual on a microscopic and cosmic scale, this name resonates with me on deeper and deeper levels. Om is the eternal sound that expands individual consciousness to universal consciousness. My intention is to expand my own consciousness, your consciousness, and collective consciousness through my coaching.

On Freedom and Uncertainty

On Freedom and Uncertainty

For months, I set my daily intention on freedom. Freedom from my fears, my blocks, others’ opinions. I wanted to have space, room to grow, meditate, learn about myself, be.

 Then things started to become a little shaky, uncertain, structure-less. I began to feel as if everything was up in the air and very few things were stable.

 Until I read a post from another strong woman I’ve come to know who shared an interesting article from Air France, “Cultivate uncertainty, which is synonyms with freedom...carry on being unsure; it’s better than being a safe bet”.

 This sparked an ah-ha moment for my understanding of freedom. What does it really look like? Many of us dream about it when we are stuck in our 9-5 jobs that drain us but do we yearn after uncertainty the same way we desire freedom? Because freedom is exactly that – no structure; the ability and power to choose, think, act, or speak as you like. 

 In sitting with my uncertainty, all the space to just be clouded my ability to see that I had achieved a sense of freedom – that I was allowing my intention of more freedom to manifest. I spent so much time searching for the structure of freedom but even as you read this, you can probably see the humor in this thinking.

 Sometimes when we ask for what we want, we have no idea what it will actually look and feel like. Freedom to me in the short term felt like relief and taking back my authentic power – nothing less than magical. It wasn’t until I actually experienced freedom in the long term that I started to feel it in its full, ambiguous-ness. But without being aware of what my goal looked like when it was happening, I would never start to build the reality that I gained the time and space to construct.

So I ask you: What is your “freedom”? What is your intention or goal that you think about every day?

 Once you know that, start to think about it in the long term. Picture it. Feel it. After the momentary, fleeting happiness and novelty has worn off. Investigate what it entails and what possible obstacles might come up by talking to others who have achieved the same goals you are setting for yourself and researching what you want.

 Most importantly, know that as you move towards what you want, your perspective will change and you won’t know what you don’t know until you learn something new. Just as you will never see the view from the top of the mountain - or any of the other views along the way for that matter - until you do the work and make the climb. So stop thinking and start doing; the world needs your spark. The pieces will fall into place as you gain momentum.

 This morning I wrote a journal entry for Peace, Courage, and Certainty and something as small as one sentence on a friend’s post gave me just that - I found peace to live comfortably with the uncertainties of my life and courage to keep putting one foot in front of another on unchartered terrain.

 Keep your eyes and heart wide open.


 Love, courage, and a big hug,

 Om Anna

Finding Your Center

Finding Your Center

